
 With Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj’s Hast-Kamal (Lotus Hand), we begin an English Translation of Shastar Naam Mala. Guru Maharaj is bringing forward this Anuwaad-Steek combination (Translation+Commentary). This pothi is not being written from a personal perspective but utilizing the Panth’s existing resources such as kathas, steeks, and historical granths. The findings have been then carefully curated into English.
 Through Maharaj's Hukam, we have been distanced from the essence of Sikh practices and principles. There have been certain factors that have distanced us from the Guru's teachings and these include: living in the West,  facing Indian imperialism, British colonialism, and the passage of time. It is astounding what we can discover by listening to Katha, reading historical sources, having the Sangat of incredible Gursikhs, and with the Lighthouse of Gurbani Ji guiding us through this Dark Age of Kalyug.
 A personal reflection: daas has always seen the Glory of Shastars with such awe. This fed a desire to learn more about them. In the process of researching, it felt wrong to keep this knowledge just to himself.
 The structure of this pothi will be tuk-by-tuk analysis. Each tuk will be presented with a word-by-word analysis, providing visual examples of the shastars, explaining historical contexts to the Shastars, and comparing contexts in other traditions. The pothi will be generally consistent in these points with Kirpa.
 Gursikhs in the future should be able to point to one specific text that helps them understand the spiritual, historical, and political context behind Shastars in Sikhi. Nowadays, Shastars are unfortunately seen as decorations for Guru Maharaj but traditionally, they have a high level of reverence and esteem. This is daas’ humble attempt at trying to weave all the intricacies of Shastars in this Steek. This is not meant to be a simple translation of Shastar Naam Mala but a detailed medium to rebuild the long-lost love between Shastars and sikhs in the general Sikh population.
 In many countries where the average citizen is not familiar with Sikhi, we have seen challenges posed to Sikhs keeping Shastars as well. So, this Steek also acts as a resource for those who face legal and political battles. If you love warrior culture then this pothi will also fuel your passion.
 Please forgive daas for any errors made. A Benti to the Great Vidhvaans to make required corrections as needed.