
The following use of "daas" refers to Giani Gurwinder Singh Ji Nangli and not the translator.
"Daas had a deep desire to write the History of Nihung Singhs (Twarikh Nihung Singhaan) for a while but this desire became the strongest when out to obtain literature. Daas went to the shops of Bhai Chattar Singh Bhai Jeevan Singh and Singh Brothers. Both the shopkeepers stated that they have the histories of all the Sikh Traditional Schools (Sampardas) but Nihung Singh history has not yet been written in a modern form (vartak roop). They stated that daas knew how to carry out this task and it was something worth starting.
Singh Sahib Baba Balbir Singh Ji 96 Crori Ji had encouraged daas to write this history at Baba Kirtan Singh Ji’s Barsi (Memorial). The Naamdhari Leader, Thakur Dileep Singh, did an appeal to write the glorious history of Nihung Singhs (during Baba Daya Singh’s Barsi at Sur Singh on Time TV).
After taking these events into consideration, this pothi was written. From birth, daas has been connected to Misl Shaheedan (Tarna Dal). Daas’ maternal grandfather is Jathedar Baba Joginder Singh Ji and maternal uncle is Master Jujhar Singh Tarna Dal. Daas was also drawn by the 12th Jathedar Baba Bishan Singh Ji as well.
Daas is a honey bee to the Lotus-Feet of This Akaali Panth. This is why daas has written about the Eternally Glorious events, discipline, & contributions of the Nihung Singhs in order to briefly reflect the history of Akaali Budha Dal and Tarna Dal. Daas has written about Tarna Dal history from Akaali Shaheed Singh Sahib Baba Deep Singh Ji to - the current and 15th Leader - Jathedar Singh Sahib Baba Gajjan Singh Ji, who have helped in adding a lot of information included in this book.
While writing the history of Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji, daas found out that Baba Deep Singh took birth in the month of Maagh and became Shaheed in the month of Maagh as well.
Baba Deep Singh Ji Shaheed remained the Head Darbari Scribe in Kalgidhar Maharaj Ji’s (The Plume-Adorner = Guru Gobind Singh Ji) Hazoori (Courtly Presence). Baba Ji then developed the Damdami Taksaal which minted sikhs into the coins of GurSikh lifestyle (reference to Japji Sahib: Gharrheeai Shabad Sachi Taksaal). Baba Ji then became the Jathedar of Sri Misl Shaheedan Tarna Dal and even still to this date, this Dal exists whose 15th Jathedar is Baba Gajjan Singh Ji.
While writing this history, daas consulted various writings, historic granths and manuscripts. The Bachans (words/commands) of Baba Dharam Singh Ji’s Atam Bodh and Sant Kartar Singh Ji Mota Akhar painted a picture through the writings of Giani Dharam Singh. The Head Granthi of Sri Misl Shaheedan Tarna Dal Mahant Trilochan Singh Ji, Baba Bachittar Singh Ji Niranjanpur, and Baba Jagir Singh Ji Bhambhoi have all contributed a lot of information.
In the process of writing this book, Giani Mehtab Singh and Research Scholar Maninder Singh (Punjab University Patiala) have assisted greatly. Giani Boota Singh U.P. contributed heavily in the process of proofreading. Giani Sher Singh Ji Ambala, Giani Hardeep Singh Ji Hazoori Taksal, Baba Amar Singh Ji Nangli, Giani Partap Singh Deputy Head Granthi Takht Sachkhand Sri Hazur Sahib, Sant Darshan Singh Shastri, Sant Jaswinder Singh Shastri, Giani Gurjant Singh Patiala, Dr. Anuraag Singh, Dr. Dilsher Singh, Giani Manjeet Singh Khadur Sahib, Giani Jasbir Singh Kohala, Giani Gagandeep Singh (Student of Gurdwara Akaal Bunga Bhambhoee) among many other scholars who have blessed us with their precious breaths to make the required corrections.
Daas is especially thankful to Giani Sher Singh Ji Ambala, Sant Daya Singh Ji Tahli Sahib, Giani Sukha Singh UK and Giani Hardeep Singh JI Barizchipur Taksaal.
Giani Trilochan Singh, Giani Surjeet Singh, Giani Gagan Singh, Giani Kharrag Singh Marriaanwal, Giani Balkaar Singh Marriaanwal, Giani Jobanjeet Singh Pardeo among many others prepared the materials and proofread this book.
Finally, daas has this desire that Sangat will accept this writing and use your precious breaths in blessing daas with further relevant information".
Guru Panth’s Daas
Gurwinder Singh Nangli
Parcharak Sri Misl Shaheedan Tarna Dal
Sri Baba Bakala Sahib
Sri Sarbloh Bunga Nangli