The Subtle & the Aatmaa

Within the body is the mind. Within the mind is the Aatmaa. The body is asthhool (material) while the mind is sookham (abstract/subtle) & cha[n]chal (restless). The Aatmaa is even more sookham.
Among these three, the Aatmaa is the highest. The power of the Aatmaa gives life to the mind which stimulates the body to do work. The mind is restless. To stop the mind's efforts in wandering is close to impossible. When the mind rebels against the Aatmaa, and begins to chase after sensual desires then one enters the cycle of reincarnation. Instead of this, it is proper that the mind & praan (breath) become subordinate to the Aatmaa. Working under the authority of the Aatmaa is the goal of Dharam. This is the path of liberation. This is the true Yog. This is Guru Giaan.
The mind is the reason of bondage & the reason for liberation. The dynamic aspect of the chith is the reason for the world and the static aspect of the chith is the reason for mukthee. Among all the methods toward the pursuit of mukthee, the achievement of constancy within the chith is the highest of all. By letting go of the goal for conscious constancy of the chith, all other religious and spiritual methods are useless.
The restriction of the mind’s thoughts and feelings (birtheeyaa[n]) is defined through Yog. To stop these inclinations is not a peaceful process. In the neverending attempt to understand the mind and to control its inclinations, many yogee have fallen, even those like the tapasvee (those who do tapasiaa - penance) Vishav Mithar who attempted to create his own universe using power obtained from tapasiaa. Vishav Mithar still could not stop his mind despite this immense power. Thus, to keep the hope of controlling one’s attentive inclinations is a joke.
ਸਨਕਾਦਿਕ ਨਾਰਦ ਮੁਨਿ ਸੇਖਾ॥
Sankaadhik naaradh Mun(i) Saekhaa
The four sons of Brahamaa: Sanak, Sanan(n)dhhan, Sanaathan, and Sanath Kumaar, Naarad Munee, Shaishnaag. Alternative: all the other sages...
ਤਿਨ ਭੀ ਤਨ ਮਹਿ ਮਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਪੇਖਾ॥
Thin Bhee Than Mah[i] Man[u] nahee Paekhaa
They have also not seen the mind within their bodies.
(Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Gouree, Ang 330)
Who can stop the flow of a flooded river? Try to stop it from one side & it flows towards the other side. Stop it from the other side & it flows towards a third side. To stop its current is impossible. The state of the mind is like a flowing river. However, to stop its impulse is even harder than stopping a river. Stop it from one thing & the ignorant person slips up from another thing. Stop it from one direction & the mind will always find another route. The mind’s anxiety & impulsiveness has been a point of disgrace for famous and great sages, yogis, and other spiritual practitioners. If the mind was powerless and less stubborn, it would have been easy to stop the mind. However, the mind is neither powerless nor changes its stubborn nature. That is why Guru Giaan tells us that one should not focus on the attempt to control the mind. Instead, change the mind’s flow of thought. The mind will remain the same in nature but your goals will be achieved, just like a fast flowing river leads towards the ocean. Redirect your mind’s inclinations towards Vaheguroo. Your mind will still direct itself through your senses. If your mind focuses on the senses of the body, it will be stuck in the cycle of birth and death. If the mind focuses on Vaheguroo, nidhhee (treasures), and ridhhee sidhee (powers) will follow you. Thus, in Guroo Giaan the question of stopping and controlling the mind does not even arise.
When something is being stopped within one’s consciousness, that thing becomes a concrete thought. The stronger the desire to stop a thought, the stronger it becomes. Your mind will begin to think about it, debate it, and make opinions about it to the point of always thinking about it sitting, standing, walking around, and even in dreams.