Prem Prakaash

Prema Bhagti reflections by Aaeenaa

Heartbeat IV: Sant Mani Singh (UK)'s Bachans

"My Love, My Love" I went around saying around the world but my thirst was not quenched When Satguru Sahib is met, only then is my thirst is gone; I attain my Beloved and the Beloved comes into my house/heart

Heartbeat III: Ishq-e-Haqeeqee vs Ishq-e-Majaazee

What type of love do we need? There are two types of love as mentioned before. However, to understand them, they need to be discussed further.

Heartbeat II: 19th Ghazal of Bhai Nand Lal Ji

Daas falls at the feet of Giani Gurwinder Singh Ji who taught these Farsi Ghazals to daas.

Heartbeat I: Poetry & Love

Love is so fascinating to read and write about. This love exists everywhere! Vaheguru exists everywhere and permeates in the Form of Love.

Prem Prakash: Loving Guru Maharaj

Maharaj please give this slave Your Strength to curate this collection of floating thoughts about Loving You.

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