Likhari’s: Baal Gobind, Fateh Chand, Nihaalaa, Baalaa, Dharbaaree Chhotaa, Gharbaaree Singh, Dharbaaree Singh, & Haridaas

To read the introduction on the Likhari's & Munshi's... see here
Likhaaree Baal Gobind Ji
The names Baal Gobind and Fateh Chand are found in Hukamnamay from Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji. Both of these writers scribed a great granth (completed in 1753 Bikrami/1696 CE) which featured Hanuman Naatak, Kavi Kuvresh Ji’s Localization of Saamundhrik: Palm-reading/Astrology, Kavi Tahikan Ji’s Localization of Ashwamedha Parab: the 14th volume of Mahabharata, Soor Saagar. [Piara Singh Padam notes the Sikh Reference Library Numbers: 5025, 2026, 5027... we’re not sure if these still exist as this was written pre-1984]. At the end of this granth, it features the signatures of the scribes.
Likhaaree Fateh Chand Ji
In 1748 Bikrami/1691 CE, Likhari Fateh Chand completed scribing a saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which can be found at Takht Sri Patna Sahib. In 1749 Bikrami/1690 CE, Bhai Raamrai ‘Likhaari’ used this saroop as reference to scribe another saroop. This is also found at Sri Patna Sahib.
Likhaaree Nihaalaa Ji
This Likhari’s name is found written as Nihaal Chand or Nihaal Singh. Likhari Nihaalaa Ji is discussed among the verified Kavis of Maharaj’s Darbar but first and foremost, Nihaalaa Ji was Guru Sahib’s Scribe. Likhari Nihaalaa Ji had scribed a huge portion of Sri Charithropakhyan in Sri Dasam Guru Ka Granth. Likhaaree Ji attained Shaheedi at the Battle of Chamkaur Sahib.
Likhaaree Baalaa Ji
He was also a scribe. Likhari Baalaa Ji scribed a portion of Sri Charithropakhyan.
Likharee Dharbari Chhotaa [Darbari Chota]
There were 2 Darbari’s. An older one and a younger one. The younger one scribed certain sections of Jaap Sahib, Chandi Di Vaar, among Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj’s Bani.
Likhaaree Gharbaree Singh and Likhaaree Dharbaree Singh
Both of these Likhari’s are from the 7th generation descending from the lineage of Baba Mohree Ji (younger son of Dhan Dhan Guru Amardas Sahib Ji Maharaj) of the Bhalla ancestry. They were the sons of Bhai Kush-haal Singh. This household had a long history of scribing Gurbani. Thus, Gharbari and Darbari, both did seva of scribing in Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj’s Darbar. Perhaps, this is the older Darbari as mentioned above. When Guru Sahib was leaving Sri Anandpur Sahib then both of these scribes ran away without telling Guru Sahib. However, they later become Shaheed at Sri Muktsar Sahib with their father.
Likhaaree Haridaas Ji
Likhari Haridas Ji was a scribe in Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Darbar. They may have been Brahmin. A saroop was written by Likhari Haridas Ji and used to be available at the Sikh Reference Library (In 1984, the Indian government burned this library). Upon the 741st Ang, there is a note: ‘The Granth has been complete [and] written by Hareedhaas Likhaaree, scribed by a Likhaaree of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. If there are any mistakes, please correct them, [I am a] horrible slave, sinner... such a huge sinner. Hareedhaas Likhaaree of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’ There is also a section of Sri Dasam Granth which had been scribed by Bhai Haridaas Ji which is still available (This is a comment by Piara Singh Padam, may not be available as of today). This section contains Bani about preparing for war. We previously mentioned a Kavi by the name of Haridas in the list of verified Darbari poets. It is possible that this Kavi and the scribe are different from each other.