Guroo Giaan: Introduction

ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ
Editor's Note:
We would like to welcome new sevadaar 'Aajaaz'.
They have started their seva with this project for those new spiritual seekers to understand some context before diving into their journey.
Aajaaz' Introduction:
'Most introductory texts on Sikhi focus on the expression of outer religion explaining what Rehit to follow, when to do your Nitnem, what to wear, and what to say. Searchers of Dharam may find a plethora of information on the outer journey. But rarely, one finds a succint explanation of the inner journey. And then on top of that, most writings on the introspective are too abstract or too complex for the layperson to comprehend. Swami Nithiya Nand's Guroo Giaan captures the essence of the journey into Naam and provides readers with a practical and comprehensible manual into beginning their search for the True Self. Readers gain an understanding of the the wandering mind, the state of the Atma, hankar, seva, prema bhagti, the world outlook of the Sikh, and how to recite Naam. A must read for beginners to start their journey as well as for the experienced to refocus their perspective on what truly matters'
The following is the author – Swami Nithyanand 'Udasin' – writing an introduction about themselves. The introduction provides insight into why we should read this granth

About me

I was born in Bengal. One yogi used to come to my town every now and then. Their name was Swami Brahm-Anand Ji. Their life was a mysterious life and their words would always come true. Whatever he said would instantly happen.
My age today is over 135 years old. In India, Yogis like Swami Brahm-Anand Ji were rarely seen. My father used to have a lot of faith in the Yogi. One day, the Yogi came and stood at the door of my house then said in a loud voice ‘Return my deposit back’. Before this, they never came to my town. Seeing them, the family was shocked. Whatever Yogi Ji said made us even more confused. My father tried to understand but couldn’t.  Yogi Ji never gave us anything before. What did Yogi Ji want back then? Yogi Ji said it twice more and my father grabbed Yogi Ji’s feet and said: ‘What deposit do you request?’. Yogi Ji entered the house and put their hand on my shoulder and said ‘this is my deposit, he is not part of your household, give him to me’. We were four brothers, and giving away a boy was not an easy thing. However, to go against Yogi Ji’s words was also difficult. People of the household looked at each other’s anxiety and all remained quiet. Yogi Ji said to send their deposit to them quickly and they returned to their hut. In the evening, my mother and father went to the Yogi. I was not told what they spoke about. Then, the next day, I was taken to Yogi Ji’s hut. After staying at the hut for six months, Yogi Ji and I left the area.  
Yogi Ji was an adept scholar of Sanskrit. They were a yogi who lived up to their auspicious name. Everything there was to understand, they made me understand. Everything there was to teach they taught me. Whenever another Yogi or Siddha was in the area, Yogi Ji would urge me to go meet them so that I can obtain something from them. While doing pilgrimage and visiting Madras (Chennai), Bihar, Odisha, Bombay (Mumbai), Kanpur, Agra, and Prayagraj (Allahbad) we made our way towards Punjab. There we met an Udasi holy man. Many days passed by in discourse. This Udasi’s name was Swami Satyanandh and they described the practices and understandings of the Guru’s house in such a way that Yogi Ji became enchanted. After doing darshan of Darbar Sahib in Amritsar, Yogi Ji’s soul was so pulled that they gave themselves to the Guru-Ghar (Guru’s Home). We spent some time in Punjab and then went to Haridwar. One day at Haridwar, Yogi Ji was sitting as usual but their eyes began sinking. I asked them what happened and they answered, ‘all of my years in age were spent sifting (meaning the gold was never found) while the essence remains in the House of the Guru. I will have to take one more birth in the house of the Guru to be liberated.’ Saying this, they left their body.
I, too,  meditate on the Vaheguru-Mantra of Guru Nanak Dev’s House. I have practiced Yogic methods sitting beside yogic masters for sixteen years. But I’ve never experienced such peace and bliss obtained from other methods that I was able to find in Vaheguru-Mantra.
The path of the Guru is complete and the greatness of the word ‘Vaheguru’ can never be described. The teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji is Amrit. No other word can give greater salvation than Gurbani.
My duty is to follow the teachings given to me by Yogi Ji before they closed their eyes. The method and the fruit of meditation upon the name of Vaheguru is tranquil and gradual. Harsh practices only bring hatred towards the path. This is true. Test it and you will find that it is true. This is undisputed.
I have not attained the state from which I should be worthy of writing a book on this. However, being requested by some close spiritual acquaintances, I have written about my experiences. If anyone can gain something from this, the mission of my work will be complete.
Nityanandh ‘Neel-garree’