
As translated by sevadaar – Aajaaz:
The right foot slips to the left and the left foot slips to the right. The head aches, the eyes can’t see, teeth are falling out, the hands aren’t even able to hold a glass of water, and the legs can’t even hold the weight of the torso. Wealth is not with me and my children have left for the afterlife – one by one. Yet still, within this powerless and helpless body, the individual still holds out hope for life and wants to live longer. We call the ability to continue to exist and to remain permanently: Sathya (True/Real).
When something comes in front of the man, the hand grasps it, passing it from the right hand to the left hand. He looks at it from above and beneath. He cuts it open with a knife to see what is inside. He desires to have complete knowledge of whatever comes in front of him. We call this Chith (Awareness/Consciousness).
Literate or illiterate, wise or dumb, white or black… ask any human: what is your goal in life? All will answer that their goal is peace/happiness. What is peace/happiness? There are different definitions depending on who you ask. Yet still, we can all agree that the human desire is peace. The mortal wants to avoid conflict & pain while remaining in permanent happiness. There’s no difference of opinion for this statement. Another word for this happiness/peace is Anandh (Bliss).
Everyone has this desire for living without having any authority over them. ‘I want to do whatever I want, and do it exactly in the way I want. No one should discourage or stop me’. Complete independence is the aim for every human birth. We call this Mukthee (liberation).
It seems that the mortal wants to become Sath-Chith-Anandh Saroop (The Form of Reality-Consciousness-Bliss). We can also say that this is the desire for nar (man) to become Narayan (God). Call this the characteristic of being human or even the goal of human life. How does one obtain Param-Aatma (The Supreme Soul)? Religions/spiritualities of the world are all different answers to this question.