Chhands #59-86

Please read the previous sections before reading this one.
Pointless to read this translation if you have not yet read the spiritual contexts.
This section is a great example of the poetic beauty of Sri Sarbloh Granth. All of the chhands from the 'Jay Doharaa' till then end are examples of Anupraas. Anupraas is the same as alliteration but from the South Asian poetic tradition. Alliteration/Anupraas is a poetic device defined by the repetition of the first letter in each word of a line. Please read Roop Deep Pingal for further knowledge on the Poetics of Gurbani (unfortunately not readily available in English).
ਮਾਧੋ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Maadhho Dhoharaa)
ਫੁਲ ਫਲ ਬਿਰਖਾ ਤੁਹੀਂ ਤੁਹੀਂ ਸਭਨ ਕੀ ਸਾਰ॥
Phool Phal Birkhaa Thuhee[n], Thuhee[n] Sabhan Kee Saar
You are the flowers, the fruits, the trees
You are Their Master
ਤੁਮ ਸਭ ਕੋ ਪੈਦਾ ਕਰੋ ਤੁਮ ਹੀ ਕਰਹੁ ਸੰਘਾਰ॥੫੮॥
Thum Sabh Ko Paidhaa Karo, Thum Hee Karah[u] Sa[n]ghaar
You are giving birth to all of them,
You destroy them [as well]
ਪੰਚਾਲ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Pa[n]chaal Dhoharaa)
ਜਬਿ ਮਾਯਾ ਹਰਿ ਬਪੁ ਧਰਯੋ ਤਬਿ ਸਭ ਹੀ ਬਿਵਹਾਰ ॥
Jab[i] Maayaa Har[i] Bap[u] Dhharyo, Thab[i] Sabh Hee Bivhaar
When Vaheguru took on the body/form of Maya
then all action/events came to be
(No actions when Universe did not exist; Formless Vaheguru is Akrai/Akaram)
ਗੁਪਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਗਟਿ ਸਭ ਘਟਿ ਬਿਖੈ ਵਰਤੇ ਰੂਪ ਅਪਾਰ॥੫੯॥
Gupath[i] Pragat[i] Sabh Ghat[i] Bikhai, Varthae Roop Apaar
Hidden within all hearts of the different forms of physical manifestation.
ਜੁਗਿ ਜੁਗਾਂਤਿ ਸੁੰਨ ਧੁੰਧ ਤੇ ਏਕ ਅਲਖ ਕਰਤਾਰ॥
Jug[i] Jugaa[n]th[i] Su[n]n Dhhu[n]dhh Thae, Ek Alakh Karthaar
When the ages come to an end then they go to absolute silence and into the fog of lack of physical existence within even this the One Invisible/Unfathomable Vaheguru resides.
ਗੁਪਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਗਟਿ ਸਭ ਘਟਿ ਬਿਖੈ ਵਰਤੈ ਰੂਪ ਅਪਾਰ॥੬੦॥
Gupath[i] Pragat[i] Sabh Ghat[i] Bikhai, Varthae Roop Apaar
[This One Vaheguru are] hidden within all of the hearts of the various physical forms.
ਅਨੰਦ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Ana[n]dh Dhoharaa)
ਸਰਬਲੋਹ ਰਖ੍ਯਾ ਕਰਨ ਸੰਤਨ ਕੇ ਸੁਖ ਧਾਮ॥
Sarbloh Rachhyaa Karan Sa[n]than Kae Sukh Dhhaam
Sarbloh Protects and is the Place of Peace (Sanctuary) for the Saints
ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮਾਯਾ ਜਗ ਬੰਦਨੀ ਲਛਮੀ ਜਾ ਕੋ ਨਾਮ॥੬੧॥
Sree Maayaa Jag Ba[n]dhnee Lachhmee Jaa Ko naam
Sargun-Vaheguru entangles the entire world,
another name for Sargun-Vaheguru is Lachhmee
(Sarbloh refers to the wrought-iron metal used in Sikh Shastars
but also means Sarab-Loh {the Light within Everyone/Everything})
ਮੰਗਲ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Ma[n]gal Dhoharaa)
ਕਰੁਨਾਕਰ ਸੁ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰਹੁ ਹੌਂ ਮਤਿ ਮੰਦ ਅਭਾਗ॥
Karuna-Kar Su Kripaa Karah[u] Hau[n] Math[i] Ma[n]dh Abhaag
Oh Doer of Compassionate-Acts, please bestow with blessings...
I do not have a good destiny and have a bad way of thinking.
ਦੁ ਕਰ ਜੋਰੁ ਬਿਨਤੀ ਕਰਤਿ ਰਤੀ ਭਾਗ ਮੋਹਿ ਜਾਗ ॥੬੨॥
Dhu Kar Jor Binathee Karath[i] Rathee Bhaag Moh[i] Jaag
I join both of my hands together and make a plea,
Please give me even a pinch of good destiny,
So that I can [spiritually] awaken
ਕਰਮ ਰੇਖ ਮਾਯਾ ਤੁਹੀਂ ਤੁਹੀਂ ਸਭਨ ਕੀ ਸਾਰ॥
Karam Raekh Maayaa Thuhee[n] Thuhee[n] Sabhan Kee Saar
The Writer of Karma is You – Sargun-Vaheguru!
You are the One who gives everyone their worth!
ਜਬਿ ਤੁਮਰੀ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਭਈ ਜਾਗਤਿ ਭਾਗ ਲਿਲਾਰ॥੬੩॥
Ja-b[i] Thumree Kirpaa Bha-aee Jaagath[i] Bhaag Lilaar
When You bless us then our previous accumulated good karma
shine on our foreheads and we get directed towards spiritual fulfillment
ਅਨੰਦ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Ana[n]dh Dhoharaa)
ਅਨੰਦ ਰੂਪ ਅਨਹਦ ਸਦਾ ਅਨੁਦਿਨੁ ਅਨਦ ਅਨੰਦ॥
Ana[n]dh Roop Anhadh Sadhaa An[u]dhin[u] Anadh Ana[n]dh
The Form of Bliss, without an end ~ forever, bliss upon bliss
ਅਨਦ ਬਿਨੋਦ ਅਨੰਤ ਹਰਿ ਅਨਹਤ ਅਨਦ ਗੁਬਿੰਦ॥੬੪॥
Anadh Binodh Ana[n]th Har[i] Anhath Anadh Gubi[n]dh
Blissful Play, the Endless Vaheguru ~ the Blissful Vaheguru whose bliss was not started by anything ~ Constantly Form of Bliss
ਜਯ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Jay Dhoharaa)
ਜਯਸ ਜਯਤੁ ਜਯਕਰ ਜਯੀ ਜੈ ਜੈ ਜੈ ਜਗਦੀਸ ॥
Jayas Jayath[u] Jaykaar Jayee Jai Jai Jai Jagdhees
Praise upon Praise to the Victor, Causing Praise ~ Praising ~ Many Praises to the Master of this Universe
ਜਵਤ ਜਮੁਨ ਜਤ ਬ੍ਰਤ ਜਗਤ ਜਗਮਗ ਜਗ ਜਹਿਈਸ॥੬੫॥
Javath Jamun Jath Brath Jagath Jag-Mag Jag Jahiees
Creating the different rivers like the Yamuna, celibacy and devotion to spouses,
The Glory of this world, the Master of this world
(weak translation)
ਪਵਿਤ੍ਰ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Pavithr Dhohraa)
ਪਰਮ ਪਵਿਤ੍ਰ ਪੁਨੀਤਿ ਪਤਿ ਪੀਤੰਬਰ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਨਾਮ ॥
Param Pavithr Puneeth[i] Path[i] Peetha[m]bar Prath[i]naam
The Most Purest Causer of Purification, Yellow-dressed is also a Name
ਪਾਪ ਪਰਨ ਪੂਰਨ ਪਿਤ੍ਰ ਪੀਰ ਪਰਾ ਪਰਧਾਮ॥੬੬॥
Paap Paran Pooran Pithr Peer Paraa Pardhhaam
Tearing away sins, higher than ancestors/elders and in a higher [Unreachable] place
ਧਰਮ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Dhharam Sorattaa)
ਧਰਮ ਧਾਰ ਧਨ ਧਨ੍ਯ ਧਨ੍ਯ ਧਨ੍ਯ ਧਰਨੀਧਰਾ ॥
Dhharam Dhaar Dhhan Dhaany Dhhany Dhhany Dhharneedhharaa
Creating the Sharp Edge of Dharam, Blessed Blessed Blessed is the One who supports the Earth
ਧੀਰਜ ਧਰਮ ਸੁ ਧ੍ਯਾਨ ਧੁੰਧ ਧੁਰਿ ਧੀਰਕ ਧਰਾ॥੬੭॥  
Dhheeraj Dhharam Su Dhhyaan Dhhu[n]dhh Dhhoor[i] Dhheerak Dhharaa
The Forbearing/Enduring Righteousness which comes from concentration on Vaheguru, the Developing Conviction in Belief for the Mysterious Divine [although we cannot fathom]
ਮੋਹਨ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Mohan Sorattaa)
ਮਨ ਮੋਹਨ ਮਿਹਰਵਾਨ ਮੰਗਲ ਮਗਨ ਮਹਾਨ ਮਤਿ ॥
Man Mohan Miharvaan Ma[n]gal Magan Mahaan Math[i]
Enticing the mind, the One with Mercy, Intoxicated in the Supreme Bliss
the Great Wisdom
ਮਾਧੋ ਮਦਨ ਮੁਰਾਰਿ ਮਧੁਸੂਦਨ ਮੋਹਕ ਮਹਤਿ॥੬੮॥
Maadhho Madhan Muraar[i] Madhh[u]-Soodhhan Mohak Mahath[i]
The Husband of Maya, Cupid, the Enemy of Demons, the Cause of Attachment
ਚਿਤਾਨੰਦ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Chith-Aana[n]dh Sorattaa)
ਚਿੰਤਾਮਨਿ ਚਿਰਕਾਲ ਚਿੱਤ ਚੀਰ ਚੈਤੰਨ ਚਿਤ ॥
Chi[n]thaaman[i] Chirkaal Chith Cheer Chaitha[n]n Chith
The Chintamani (a jewel which can fulfill your desires) for a long time,
Cutting the mind’s thoughts, absorbing in consciousness/awareness
ਚੰਚਲ ਚਪਲ ਅਚਾਲ ਦ੍ਰਿਗ ਚਕੋਰ ਪੰਕਜ ਅਚੁਤ॥੬੯॥
Cha[n]chal Chap Achaal Dhrig Chakor Pa[n]kaj Achuth
Wavering, Unstable, Unmovable, Eyes like a Chakor-Bird,
Lotus-Like... absolutely pure
ਛੜੀ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Chhathree Sorattaa)
ਛਤ੍ਰੀ ਛਿੱਤਿ ਛਿਤਾਰਿ ਛੀਰ ਛਮੋਹ ਛੇਤ੍ਰ ਛਕਤਿ॥
Chhathree Chhith[i] Chhithhaar[i] Chheer Chhamoh Chhaethre Chhakath[i]
The Sovereign among the Sovereigns of the Earth
Destroying-Emotional Attachment, the Glory of the Battlefield
ਛਿਦ੍ਰ ਛੇਮ ਛੈ ਛਾਰਿ ਛਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਛੂਦਰਨ ਬਿਪਤਿ॥੭੦॥
Chhidhr Chhaem Chhai Chhaar[i] Chhar Karan Chhoodhran Bipath[i]
Liberating from flaws, Destroying to dust, destroying the pains of the poor people
ਭਾਵੀਉਦੋਤ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (BhaaveeUdhoth Sorattaa)
ਭਾਵੀ ਭੁਗਤ ਭੰਡਾਰ ਭੀਰ ਭੀਮ ਭੈਰਵ ਹਰਨ॥
Bhaavee Bhugath Bha[n]daar, Bheer Bheem Bhairav Haran
Will be enjoying the treasury of the future,
Destroying the suffering from scary and horrifying [events/things/people]
ਭਵਹਾ ਭੂਤ ਭਵਾਨ ਭਗਤਿ ਭਾਵ ਭਵਜਲ ਤਰਨ॥੭੧॥
Bhavhaa Bhhoth Bhavaan, Bhagath[i] Bhaav Bhavjal Tharan
Destroying reincarnation of coming into tenses such as past and present,
By putting minds towards bhagti (worship), this Universe ~ floating across the ocean of this temporary universe
ਪਾਰਸ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Paaras Sorattaa)
ਪਾਰਸਿ ਪਿਤਾ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਪਰਮਾਨੰਦ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ॥
Paaras[i] Pithaa Puraan, Paramaa[n]andh Preetham Prabhoo
Feeling the Ancient Father, The Ultimate Bliss, the Beloved, Vaheguru away from the 5 elements
ਪੂਰਨ ਪੁਰਖੁ ਪੁਰਾਨ ਪਾਪ ਪੁੰਜ ਗਾਰਤ ਸਭੂ॥੭੨॥
Pooran Purakh[u] Puraan, Paap Pu[n]j Gaarath Sabhoo
The Complete Being even from Ancient Times,
Corroding away the sins collected over time
ਨਾਰਾਇਨ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (naaraaein Sorattaa)
ਨਾਰਾਇਨ ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰ ਨਾਰਸਿੰਘ ਨਰਹਰਿ ਨਵਲ॥
naaraae[i]n nira[n]kaar, naarsi[n]gh narhar[i] naval
The Being-which comes to be, The Formless, taking on the form of Narsingh, the ever-new Vaheguru!
ਨਿਰਬਿਕਾਰ ਨਿਰਹਾਰ ਨੰਦ ਨੰਦਨ ਨੇਤ੍ਰ ਕਵਲ॥੭੩॥
nirbikaar nirhaar, na[n]dh na[n]dhan naethr kaval
Away from changing, cannot lose, Bliss and the Giver of Bliss with Lotus Eyes
ਗਿਰਧਾਰ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Girdhhaar Dhoharaa)
ਗਿਰਧਾਰੀ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੋਵਰਧਨ ਗੋਪਾਲ॥
Girdhhaaree Gobi[n]dh Guroo, Govardhhan Gopaal
Guru Sahib is the Support of the Mountains, the Knower of the Universe
The Nourisher and Carer of the Universe
ਗੋਸਾਈਂ ਗੋਪੀ ਬਲਭ ਗੋਪਨਾਥ ਗੋਪਾਲ॥੭੪॥
Gosaaee[n] Gopee Balabh, Gop-naath Gopaal
The Master of the Senses, the Loved by the Senses, The Master of the Senses,
the Nourisher of the Universe
ਕਵਲ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Kaval Sorattaa)
ਕਾਰਨ ਕਰਨ ਕਰੀਮ ਕੇਸਵ ਕਿਰਤਾਰਥਿ ਕਰਨ॥
Kaaran Karan Kareem, Kaesav Kirthaarathh[i] Karan
The Cause and Acts of Generosity, the One with beautiful hair,
helping us meet our aims
ਕੋਮਲ ਕਮਲ ਨਵੀਨ ਕੋਟ ਕਲੰਕ ਕੰਟਕ ਹਰਨ॥੭੫॥
Komal Kamal naveen, Kot Kala[n]k Ka[n]tak Haran
Tender like a Lotus and ever-new [Youthly],
Removing millions of blemishes and thorns [of sins/obstacles]
ਖ਼ਾਲਕ ਸੋਰਠਾ॥ (Khhaalak Sorattaa)
ਖ਼ਾਲਕ ਖ਼ਲਕ ਖ਼ੁਦਾਇ ਖ਼ੈਰ ਖ਼ੂਬ ਖ਼ੁਸ਼ਹਾਲ ਖ਼ੁਸ਼ ॥
Khhaalak Khhalak Khhudhaae[i], Khhair Khhoob Khhush-haal Khush
The Creator-Creation Vaheguru, Form of Wellness, Goodness, Well-Being, Happiness and Bliss
ਖ਼ਾਲਸ ਖ਼ਸਮ ਅਤਾਇ ਖ਼ਾਮੇ ਖ਼ੂਨ ਖ਼ਤਾ ਬਖ਼ਸ਼॥੭੬॥
Khhaalas Khhasam Athaae[i], Khhaamae Khhoon Khhathaa Bakhhsh
Knowing the Pure Master-Vaheguru,
Forgiving the sins of the unbaked clay and blood [of body]
ਘਨਿਯ੍ਯਾਮ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Ghanisyaam Dhoharaa)
ਘਟਿ ਘਟਿ ਮੈ ਘਨਿ ਸ਼੍ਯਾਮ ਜੂ ਘਹਰਤ ਘਨ ਘਨਘੋਰ ॥
Ghat[i] Ghat[i] Mai Ghan[i] Syaam Joo, Ghahrath Ghan Ghanghor
Within the Hearts of everyone is the Storm-Cloud of Vaheguru,
The cloud rumbles and thunders
ਜੀਅ ਜੰਤੁ ਚਾਤ੍ਰਿਕ ਮਯੂਰ ਚਿਤਵਤ ਕੋਕਲ ਮੋਰ॥੭੭॥
Jeea Ja[n]th[u] Chaathrik Mayoor, Chithvath Kokal Mor
All of the creatures are like the Chaathrik: rainbird, the Mayoor/Mor: peacock, and the Koel: are thinking about You - Vaheguru.
ਦਯਾ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Dhayaa Dhoharaa)
ਦੀਨ ਦਯਾਲ ਦਾਤਾ ਦਯਾ ਦੁਖ ਦਲਿਦ੍ਰ ਦਲ ਦੁੰਦ ॥
Dheen Dhayaal Dhaathaa Dhayaa, Dhukh-Dhaalidhr Dhal Dhu[n]dh
Compassionate to the Weak/Humble, Giver of Mercy
Tearing away the suffering and [spiritual] poverty of duality
ਦ੍ਰਿਗ ਬਿਸਾਲ ਦੁਤਿ ਅਦੈ੍ਯੰ ਦਿਨਕਰ ਸਮਰ ਮੁਕੰਦ॥੭੮॥
Dhrig Bisaal Dhuth[i] Adhvaiya[ng], Dhinkar Samar Muka[n]dh
Large Eyes being dual but non-dual, The One Sun which gives liberation in this Universe...
ਓਅੰ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Oa[ng] Dhoharaa)
ਓਅੰ ਵਾਸਦੇਵ ਵੇਦਨ ਵਿਦਤ ਵਾਰ ਵਾਰ ਲੱਖ ਵਾਰ ॥
Oa[ng] Vaasdhaev Vaedhan, Vidhath Vaar Vaar Lakh Vaar
The Realization that All of Maya (Oang) lives within Vaheguru
Knowing this I would sacrifice myself to Vaheguru,
hundreds of thousands of times
ਓਰ ਨਿਬਾਹ ਵੈਰੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰ ਹਰਨ ਕਰਤਾਰ॥੭੯॥
Or nibaah Vairee nahee[n], Vair Haran Karthaar
Heading towards the correct spiritual path...
there are no enemies/obstacles in the way,
The Doer-Vaheguru destroys the enemies
ਸਹੰਸਮੁਖੀ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Saha[n]smukhee Dhoharaa)
ਸ਼ਹਨਸ਼ਾਹ ਸ਼ਹਪਤਿ ਸਗਲ ਸੰਸਯ ਸਿਹਰ ਸਿਰਾਇ॥
Shahanshaah Shahpath[i] Sagal, Sa[n]sy Sihar Siraae[i]
The Sovereign among Sovereigns, the Honour of All the Sovereigns,
Who are in deep sleep with the magical mirage over their heads
[lost in the dream of existence]
ਸਜਨ ਸਾਧੂ ਸੰਸਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੀਤਲ ਸਤ ਸੁਖਦਾਇ॥੮੦॥
Sajan Saadhh[u] Sa[n]saa nahee[n], Seethal Sath Sukh-dhaae[i]
The Beloved Saadhus are not stuck within doubts about existence,
They are immersed in the Cool-Reality of the Peace-Giving-Vaheguru.
ਇੰਦ੍ਰਗ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (I[n]dhrag Dhoharaa)
ਈਸਰ ਈਸ ਇਮਾਨ ਇਕ ਇਮਨਾਇਕ ਇਮਨਾਇ॥
Eesar Ees Imaan Ik, Imnae[i]k Eimnaae[i]
Keeping Faith for the One - The Master of Mastery,
There is only One worth keeping faith for and so we keep faith in the One
ਇਕ ਇਕ ਈਕਾਨ ਇਸ ਇੰਦ੍ਰ ਲਾਇੰਤਹਾਇ॥੮੧॥
Ik Ik Eekaan Is, I[n]dhr Laae[i]thhaae[i]
The One and only the One... from this One,
We sense endless [forms]
ਝੁਰਨ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Jhooran Dhoharaa)
ਝੁਰਨ ਝੋਰ ਝੰਕਤ ਝਪਟ ਝਿਮ ਝਿਮ ਝਿਮ ਝੁਨਕਾਰ ॥
Jhuran Jhor Jha[n]kath Jhapat, Jhim Jhim Jhim Jhunkaar
Immediately taking away the sorrow of violence,
Vaheguru Ji! Your-anklets [of divine intervention]
are making beautiful graceful sounds.
ਝੀਨ ਸਬਦ ਝਾਂਜਨ ਝਰਨ ਝਗਰਾ ਝੂਠ ਝਿੰਕਾਰ॥੮੨॥
Jheen Sabadh Jhaa[n]jan Jharan, Jhagraa Jhoott Jhi[n]kaar
The Subtle Sound of the Anklets blows away the
great sounds of fighting & falsehood
ਟੋਟਕ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Totak Dhoharaa)
ਟੋਟ ਟੂਟ ਟੰਟਾ ਟਰਨ ਟੀਕਾ ਸਗਲ ਸੰਸਾਰ॥
Tot Toot Ta[n]taa Taran, Teekaa Sagal Sa[n]saar
Breaking away from sins, holding back from fighting,
The Crown-Jewel of the Entire Universe
ਟਕ ਟਕ ਟਕ ਨਿਰਖੌ ਤੁਮਹਿ ਏਕ ਟਿਕਨ ਕਰਤਾਰ॥੮੩॥
Tak Tak Tak nirkhau[n] Thumah[i], Ek tikan Karthaar
I make it a habit to focus my eyes on You, the One Support of the Doer-Vaheguru
ਠੌਰ ਠੌਰ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਠਣਯੋ ਬਿਨੁ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਨਹਿੰ ਠਾਟ॥
Ttaur Ttaur Ttaakur TtaNyo, Bin[u] Ttaakur nah[in] Ttaat
Within every place the Master-Vaheguru resides,
There cannot be any place without Vaheguru
ਠਾਕ ਠੇਕ ਸੌਂ ਦੂਰ ਯਹ ਨਹਿੰ ਬਾਗਾ ਨਹਿੰ ਠਾਟ॥੮੪॥
Ttaak Ttaek Sau[n] Dhoor Yah, nah[in] Baagaa nah[in] Ttaat
Stopping work to go far away for pilgrimage but Vaheguru is not limited to the pure [holy places] but not limited to creation [when in Formless] either
(a weak translation, may be interpreted otherwise)
ਨਿਡਰ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (nidar Dhoharaa)
ਡਾਂਗਰ ਡੀਗਰ ਹੌਂ ਅਧਿਕ ਤੁਮ ਨਿਡਰ ਡਰ ਡਾਰ॥
Daa[n]gar Deegar Hau[n] Adhhik, Thum nidar Dar Daar
There are the alike of those who kill Animals,
You instill fear in those who are ruthlessly fearless in their ego/pride
ਬਾਰ ਬਾਰ ਡੰਡਉਤ ਤੁਮ ਤੁਹ ਜਸ ਡੰਕ ਅਪਾਰੁ॥੮੫॥
Baar Baar Da[n]do[u]th Thum, Thuh Jas Da[n]k Apaar
I lay flat in prostration to You - over and over!
Your Praises and Welcoming-Music are Endless!
[Fanfare and loud trumpets are played when Royalty enters
but Maharaj's Fanfare is never ending]
ਢੀਠ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ (Tdeet Dhoharaa)
ਢੋਰ ਢੀਮ ਢਾਢੀ ਢਿਮਕ ਹੌਂ ਤੁਰ ਢਾਕ ਪਲਾਸ॥
Tdor Tdeem Tdaatdee Tdimak, Hau[n] Thur Tdaak Palaas
The Farm animals and the earth they plough sing praises of You,
I run quickly into the vegetation [to hear them]
ਢੇਰ ਢੀਠ ਢੁਲਕਤ ਫਿਰਤ ਢਹਿ ਢਹਿ ਪਰਨ ਉਦਾਸ॥੮੬॥
Tdaer Tdeett Tdulkath Phirath, Tdah[i] Tdah[i] Paran Udhaas
In the earth/manure, the stubborn flies are flying,
...yet they are detached and still fall down in surrender to Vaheguru
...despite them flying around, I am unaffected and still fall down in surrender to Vaheguru