

3 Divine-Beloveds (Isht-Dev)

The Divine-Beloveds are referred to as those who we worship from Our Heart. No one else can compare to Them. Nihung Singhs believe Akaal Purakh, Gurbani and Shastars as their Divine-Beloveds. These are the three "Isht Dev" for Nihung Singhs.

Adhiyaye 1 (5/8)

Gobind Gita Translation continued... If you are new to this

Short Ardaas

Nihung Singhs conduct ardaasaa really quickly. In fact, the Nihung

Adhiyaye 1 (Part 4/8)

After describing the Pandav side, Sanjay is continuing to explain to Raja Dhritarashtra about how the Kaurav forces look like.

12 Gurdev's

According to Nihung Singh tradition, there are 12 Gurus who are worshipped. Akaal Purakh’s Jot (Light) resided within 10 Robes and now resides within Guru Granth and Guru Panth

Tao-Te-Ching 体道 (Embodying The Dao, s. 1)

ਤ੍ਵ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ ਦੋਹਰਾ॥ ਨਮਸਕਾਰ ਸ੍

96 Crorhee

Like the 960,000,00 clouds, the Guru Panth Khalsa roars in battle. This is why the Khalsa’s Title is 96 Crori and the Jathedar is referred to as 96 Crori.

The Aatma has no identity: A lengthy Intro to Tao Te Ching Commentary

A common theme in this granth is: Wu-Wei~ being in a state of non-doing (being in the flow of things). The reason why this granth was because of how Wu-Wei can better help the GurSikh accept Hukam.

So What Happens After Death?

This section allows us to take a look into how GurSikhs lived in Guru Sahib's Darbar.

Adhiyaye 1 (Part 3/8)

Gobind Gita Translation continued... If you are new to this

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