

Writings of Kavi Bhagathu Ji

There have been many Bhagathu’s in Sikh history: One is a great Sikh of The Crown-Jewel of Shaheeds Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji Maharaj named Bhai Bhagathu

1st Dohara: "Saang Sarohi…”

This steek is being written through the translation of existing

Adhiyaye 2 (1/7)

Oh Arjun, You need to realize the time (Hae Arjun Thoo[n] Samaa Pachhaan[u]; meaning look at the circumstances/context you’re in)

Tao-Te-Ching 虚用 (The Presence of Formlessness s. 5)

Imagine as if a village was asking for a lot of rain because their crops were suffering. The rain came pouring and then the villagers thanked the angels, devtay, or other gods/deities, etc.

The Glory of Shastars & Manglacharan

Shastar Naam Mala actually refers to a set of 5 Adhiyaye's (sections/chapters). The first adhiyaye is what we will be focusing on. T


Through Maharaj's Hukam, we have been distanced from the essence of Sikh practices and principles.

Writings of Kavi Tansukh Ji Lahore

Kavi Tansukh Ji was a resident of Lahore. In 1741 Bikrami, Kavi Ji had completed a localized translation of Hithupdesh

Table of Contents

Dhanvaad Khalsa Ji for providing your blessings to complete this seva Ji.Dhan Dashmesh Pita Kalgidhar Maharaj Neel-Ghor Asvaar Sache Paatshah Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji Shah-e-Shahenshah Haq Haq Aaeenaa

Other Commentaries on Nihung Singhs & Conclusion

This is the True Panth, which is commonly referred to with the collective name: “Nihung Singhs”.

Anand Karaj

Nihung Singhs held 5 Nihung Singhs to the esteem of Guru Panth then did Parkarma and 4 Laavan da Paath around the 5 Nihung Singhs.

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