A Plea

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'This book was originally published as a series in the Khalsa Samaachaar (Bhai Veer Singh's Weekly Publication). In this writing, the life of Mata Sabhraaee Ji is detailed. Mata Sabhraaee Ji is the Mother of Mata Jeetho Ji, the Highly Spiritual & Good Natured Wife of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Lover of Spiritual Wealth – Mata Sabhraaee Ji – went through 6 emotional separations in her life and the 7th one was the separation from her own ego. Mata Ji endured these 7 nights while remaining a Gurmukh. This steadfastness allowed Mata Ji to attain high spiritual states.
There is no one in this world who always stays happy. Everyone has or will face some sort of deeply unbearable sorrow. Whether this is losing a friend, a loved one, or a relative. Within each separation, there will always be some sort of pain. At this time, we try our best to try to escape this ocean of pain. But our pain only seems to get worse and there seems to be no hope of this suffering ever decreasing. If a strict Giani comes along then they give us dry wisdom... it does not speak to provide us any emotional support for the ailing love-thirsty heart. The wounded heart does not receive any comfort but rather treats these words as if they were bitter.
Guru Maharaj blessed us in such ways that such intolerable pain of grief leads the sufferer to walk on this great spiritual path. As a result, they begin to sing songs of spiritual harmony – both in this world & in the afterlife. This powerful wisdom is found within this book about the Grief-Afflicted Heart of Sri Mata Sabhraaee Ji. How did these events initially strike Mata Ji? Then how did she melt into the sadness of losing her loved ones? How did the utter sorrow take over? Then how did the Glory of the Sat-Sangat and support of Gurbani become Mata Ji's Medicine? How did Mata Ji's reliance on her positive thoughts help her? How did becoming grateful for Maharaj's Hukam help? Then how did listening to Maharaj's Teachings about Steadfastness support Mata Ji? In this deep grief and burning pain, Mata Ji carved the Name of Vaheguru within herself & developed such deep divine love. It was all she had. And, so Mata Ji developed a trust in it. This trust & Guru's Kirpa carried her across.
Seeing how every house will eventually need this Gurmat support at one point of their life or another, this writing was also published in 'Subhaag Jee Dhaa Sudhhaar Hathee[n] Baba Naudhh Singh'
This writing has brought a lot of loved ones from a state of suffering into the Spiritual Coolness of Guru Sahib's Love. In this way, the human heart goes through heartbreaks many times and this tiny book has come in handy in those times. This is why it is being presented as a separate writing of its own. For those hearts who may need some spiritual support...
September 1946
Karthaa (Bhai Veer Singh Ji)'
Translator's Preface:
We had originally started a book club on this book for those who were going through the pain of losing a loved one. Whether they passed away or are no longer in our lives for other reasons, Guru Sahib allowed us to discuss this book in context to the situations in our life. However, many of the participants could not read Gurmukhi. So, we decided to roughly translate this book in order to help out as many people as possible. We were able to turn inwards and grow spiritually while processing our seemingly unprocessable emotions. We have translated Bhai Veer Singh Ji's Introduction here but would also like to disclose that this translation and the rest of the book's translations are not perfect. They try to get the point across while carrying important analogies and descriptions across. However, Bhai Veer Singh Ji dives into the great depths of Punjabi vocabulary to present us with such hard-hitting words catered for a Punjabi reader. This is why we cannot say the translation is perfect but hoping it will be of help when you need it. Even if you are not going through a time of grief, this book will help to transcend this world through a state of vairaag (detachment).
Guru Panth Ka Daas,
Almost 80yrs later in January 2023