4th Raas (Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji ~ Partial & Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Maharaj ~ Partial)

For Introduction and all other parts, please find them here
Scroll down for Table of Contents!
For the PDF of the 4th Raas, please visit here:
http://www.sonapreet.net/library/Suraj Parkash By Santokh Singh Ji/Raas 4.pdf
Here are links to Traditional Sampardaic Katha of 4th Raas by Giani Sher Singh Ji Budhha Dal (Ambala):
5th Patshahi
Sant Giani Inderjeet Singh Ji Rakbe Wale:
5th Patshahi
Giani Harbhajan Singh Dhudhike:
5th Patshahi
Daas will include other resources as they become available
(have included available Suraj Podcast links)